South Carolina Intellectual Property Litigation

Intellectual Property & Litigation SC

Motive – Help Yourself

Posted in General, Jury Issues / Trial, Trademarks

I hope everyone is having a wonderful June. Extremely busy here. School is out. Our three teenage sons are all playing summer baseball on high school and college fields throughout the Southeast, swimming on the Rockbridge Swim Team, as well as working, lifting weights, going to Palmetto Boys State, The Naval Academy Summer Session, and trying to get all our fishing gear and boats ready for a week at Litchfield / Pawleys Island. In the midst of all of this, I am working so hard and am presently motivated to get strong and stay stronger than my teenage boys who are closing the gap rapidly. Ask them and they will say they have passed me already. They just can’t “help themselves.”

I am now so old that I actually went to sleep before the end of all three #CWS games between Vandy and UVa. Congrats btw to my child hood friend and now famous Mayor of Greenwood, @WelbornAdams on the Vandy Victory. Check out his Twitter profile and make sure he removes the “long suffering Vanderbilt” claim there. As a music lover, Welborn will hopefully appreciate that in analyzing motive, “we are programmed to receive” (The Eagles, Hotel California), and also the link below which you must read to find and listen to @OzzyOsbourne while still with @BlackSabbath. Listen to those guitar strokes at the start of Hotel California and you will be motivated for something.

The IP Topic You will Not Be Hearing Too Much About Today:

My IP idea for a new blog post was to remind everyone that state trademark registrations, for example as provided for at S.C. Code Section 39-15-10 et seq., pack a strong punch for any registered trademark holder looking Continue reading “Motive – Help Yourself”

Problem solving, anniversary, skills development, and Judical-Legislative power struggle

Posted in General

I knew it would be a challenge to post regularly on this blog as a solo practitioner, and the last few months have proven that. While no posts have generated, countless ideas have run through my mind and I have decided today is the time to spit a few out. This is largely because I think many U.S. citizens and most all lawyers would be interested in South Carolina’ latest legal news. As shown in the Order re House Speaker Bobby Harrell – PDF – OCR (we try to add value here) , the South Carolina Circuit Court (a/k/a Common Pleas) told the S.C. Attorney General to “Move Over Rover” and let the House Ethics Committee take over! So the question now becomes what will happen to the “fire” that is the investigation and who will get to “stand next to it.” If the last sentence made no sense to you, please go back and see / listen to the Move Over Rover link.

Okay, so that was item 4 above and the titled topics to this post are out of order. We find to maintain the reader’s attention, it is good to keep them guessing a little bit. Back to the first topic. As my friend and colleague Rob Rikard points out on his Twitter handle @rgrikard he is a “lawyer, father, problem solver.” Continue reading “Problem solving, anniversary, skills development, and Judical-Legislative power struggle”

Give it Away… Do What?

Posted in General
In May 2012, in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia, I met Kevin O’Keefe with LexBlog. Kevin was invited as a speaker by another one of the member law firms in the Law Firm Alliance.
I had been very interested in blogging at that point in time, and shortly thereafter chose to start a blog on injunctions. The choice of the topic injunctions was based upon advice I had taken in from respected experts such as Mark Herrmann with AON, formerly of Jones Day? Specifically that advice was to blog on a narrow enough topic so that you didn’t feel like you had to cover the landscape of blogging.
In any event, I contacted my law partner at that time, Jack Pringle (@JJPringle), and he put me in touch with WordPress, much my brother, John see you, was also using to do his blog for the evidence class that he was teaching at the Charleston school of Law.
So, off I went to blog on injunctions. The first thing I did was to set up Google aAerts to provide me with daily, at least, emails regarding any reported stories on the web regarding injunctions. At this point, I was feeling pretty good. Google was providing me with all the information I needed only injunction stories. However, they still remained the task of learning how to blog, embedding links to other experts in the field, and, most importantly, providing the reader with something of value differentiated from the hundreds, if not thousands, of other sources of information on the Internet via bloggers.
My venture into was not exactly an overwhelming success, however, it was not exactly a failure either. The experience gained from working with the WordPress format headed to my skill set for future blogging. In addition, I started using or attempting to use social media to engage with readers, all six of them, including family members. Thank you mom and also all the members of your garden club that also followed my blog. You know I’ll always love you and appreciate your continued support.
So, you may be thinking, what in the “hell” does this have to do with intellectual property?
Well, that would seem to be a good question, and here is the answer … In keeping with Kevin O’Keefe’s advice to “give it away,” the proprietor of this blog is going to offer FREE one hour consultations to local companies on the subject of intellectual property. So many small, medium and large businesses underestimate the value of their intellectual property and / or fail to take advantage of securing their rights to increase the value of their businesses and protect them from trade secret misappropriation and / or unfair competition that could have been prevented.The intent of this is to “engage” with local businesses, in such a way that would allow me to better engage with those of you reading this on the blog, or elsewhere and social media, and also to give me reason to get out of the office and go to such wonderful places as: Hunter Gatherer (microbrewery), Immaculate Consumption (excellent coffeehouse, sandwiches have real horseradish, yum), and to get to know others with intellectual property needs to help me better serve existing and future clients.
With his finger on the pulse, I am, sincerely yours …
Note: to set up your appointment in the month of March, call me at 803–223-6942, or send an email at , or tweet to @WesFewSC, and please understand that email may be the least effective of those options 😉
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